Malayalam new movie melle DVD released. Melle is Indian Malayalam romantic film written and directed by Binu P. Ulahannan. The film is produced by Triyega productions and stars Amith Chakalakkal in the lead role, with Thanuja Karthik, Joju George, Joy Mathew, P. Balachandran, Vivek Bhaskar Haridas in supporting roles. Cinematography is done by Santhosh Anima, editing by Sunesh Sebastian, music by Donald Mathew and Vijay Jacob, film score by Vijay Jacob. Film is produced by Johny C. David under the banner of Triyega Productions.

Melle Malayalam movie DVD cover Download

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6 년 전에 업로드됨 — 472 조회

Malayalam new movie melle DVD released. Melle is Indian Malayalam romantic film written and directed by Binu P. Ulahannan. The film is produced by Triyega productions and stars Amith Chakalakkal in the lead role, with Thanuja Karthik, Joju George, Joy Mathew, P. Balachandran, Vivek Bhaskar Haridas in supporting roles. Cinematography is done by Santhosh Anima, editing by Sunesh Sebastian, music by Donald Mathew and Vijay Jacob, film score by Vijay Jacob. Film is produced by Johny C. David under the banner of Triyega Productions.

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